
Oh BOY, the first blog post! 

May 12th 2021

Well, I guess I’ll start with how this all started. For me, the time I get to really relax, is BATH TIME! In my case, it starts with chasing my daughter and ultimately ends with chasing a naked child. After my daughter is caught, bribed and wound up in a towel my time to relax starts!

After my kid got older, I learned bath time wasn’t that long anymore, and the clock was ticking faster and faster. Each day she gets older! 

In my case, relaxing involves having a cigar, two fingers of scotch and watching golf. I learned (not fast enough) that if I wanted to achieve all these great activities, I needed to keep this bath time going, and longer!!

The search was on!! After searching, and mind you, I went into plenty of unwelcoming stores, I gave up. It wasn’t until I was having a conversation with Fredy that I got my BIG idea. If I wanted to relax, buy remarkable products and keep my family happy, all while not having to deal with poor service, I had to do it myself!

What ultimately caused this was the service aspect of my search!  I hated waiting in lines, loathed entering a store and not being greeted, as well as a lack of cleanliness and ultimately customer service. 

So after my years of working at Disneyland, the military and law enforcement, I figured I could provide a better service and a more remarkable product.

Like I said, I needed time! So in my case it needed to fill about an hour. 

After lots of product development, I feel like we have the bath bombs down, the service on point and some great and growing products!! 

Give us a shot, and ultimately my goal is to provide you REMARKABLE service and a great product that keeps the world from catching up to you!